It is the quality of patient-doctor encounters that has a major bearing
on both how the patient-doctor relationship is developed and maintained.
Patients are more likely to form a relationship with a doctor who meets their expectations or needs. A patient–doctor relationship may be deepened or destroyed by good or bad clinical outcomes. With the purview of factors
during practice, the congenial surroundings and positive atmosphere would
enhance a patient’s communication with their doctor. To start with, a friendly reception staff to the approaching patients shall instil calm among them. Depth of patient-doctor relationship is directly proportional to consultation experiences, which encompass knowledge, trust, loyalty and regard.
Knowledge :
This takes up the Lion’s share of both patients’ knowledge of the doctor,
and doctors’ knowledge and understanding of the patient. Patients like
‘knowing’ the doctor, which starts with a simple familiarity to concerning
the doctor’s personality. Similarly, a doctor’s starting point is a patient’s
basic physical familiarity, but also knowledge of the patient’s medical
Trust :
Patients’ “trust in my doctor” is vastly determined by the absence of bad
experience, which leads to competence, confidence and faith in doctors.
Loyalty :
Patients prefer to see the same doctor when dealing with long-term,
complex or emotional problems. In turn, a doctor’s actions may be
perceived by patients as a marker of their loyalty to them.
Regard :
It comprises comfort and liking, which reflect perceived care from the
doctor and respect in the relationship, with patients likening a
good-patient relationship to a friendship.
Q2 Doctors’ work life and satisfaction :
Job satisfaction is a pleasant or positive emotional state resulting from
an individual’s assessment of his or her work or work experience. There lies a relationship between enjoyment and satisfaction. Professional satisfaction is prime to the health service to ensure commitment, effective training, service provision and retention. The investment of time and effort on the task at hand begins to come to fruition in terms of successful surgeries. However if desired level of satisfaction is not achieved with the work which is appropriate to their level of commitment, at stake are the risks of losing valuable expertise.